Platform 1) Absolute quantification (targeted metabolomics)
of >300 compounds including amino acids, organic acids,
acylcarnitines, acylglycines, purines/pyrimides, acylcholines,
and other classes are analyzed by triple quadrupole LC-MS/MS (ABI
Sciex API 4000 and/or 4500).
Platform 2)
Discovery/untargeted metabolomics platform:
Three runs on 2 different columns (multiple ionization modes)
are performed using a high resolution/high mass accuracy Q-TOF
mass spectrometer (AB SCIEX 5600), for comprehensive analysis of various polar,
non-polar, and hydrophobic compound classes.
The analytes
(several thousands) are processed by both univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, and
statistically relevant analytes found to differentiate disease
and control cohorts are identified and reported.
use stable isotopes of over 50 compounds (amino
acids, organic acids, acylcarnitines and purines/pyrimidines)
along with standard curves and quality control samples run
within the same batch, allowing for absolute quantification of many
of these key metabolites (Method published:
Gertsman et al. Metabolomics. (2014) 10:312-23).
Pricing is $7000 per batch. A single batch includes up to 28 samples
(recommended to have a minimum of 16, 8 of each cohort).
Additional samples can be added to the batch at a cost of $300 per
Please call or write to discuss your ideas and project goals with
Dr. Ilya Gertsman
in order to facilitate planning of a feasible project.

The UCSD Biochemical
Genetics and Metabolomics Laboratory conducts
both biomarker search (untargeted) and
quantitative (targeted) analysis. In the image,
metabolomics data are projected onto a metabolic
pathway map, allowing for visual interpretation
of metabolic perturbations.
Announcement: The
UCSD Clinical and Translational Research
Institute has instituted a
Metabolomics Catalyst Grant Program.