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Data format is comma-separated-variables (CSV), with:
- column 1: HMDB species code (refer to Human Metabolome Database web site)
- column 2: Fold-change (the amount by which a species' concentration is changed in one group compared to another; ranging from negative (decreased) to positive (increased)
- column 3: Significance of the difference (e.g. p-value)
The data can be projected on any of the included KEGG maps or other maps (e.g. local map, others in development).
Nodes' color scale reflects fold-change, ranging from most negative (green) to mos positive (red).
Nodes' size reflects significance, with largest most significant (lowest p-value).
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Example files
Plasma Targeted LC-MS/MS Samples:
No files presently available on-line.
Urine Targeted LC-MS/MS Samples:
No files presently available on-line.
Example files
Urine Organic Acids (GC-MS):
Plasma Amino Acids (HPLC):
Plasma Acylcarnitines (LC-MS/MS):